Creative Thinking For Your Legal Needs

  • Free Consultation
  • Work with Partners
  • Quick Turnaround
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Real Estate Services

When purchasing property you must understand the status of ownership interest, deeds to secure debt, ad valorem taxes, easements, and any other cloud on title. We are here to help dig through the chain of title and prepare the asset for a confident purchase or disposition.

Our Real Estate Services

Mr. Ingold has been a pleasure to work with since helping form my company seven years ago. He has continually been available with thoughtful insight about the legal implications of business decisions including lease negotiations, asset purchases and dispositions, a partner buyout and most recently navigating the operating environment during the COVID-19 pandemic.

— John, Winston-Salem, NC

Commercial Acquisitions

When purchasing property you must understand the status of ownership interest, deeds to secure debt, ad valorem taxes, easements, and any other cloud on title. We are here to help dig through the chain of title and prepare the asset for a confident purchase or disposition.
It was a pleasure to work with Ben and Lauren. They provided an estate plan that will serve as the vehicle for our family legacy, and comfort knowing we have memorialized important decisions.

— Will and Molly, Raleigh, NC


Landlords and Tenants each have unique issues that must be addressed to protect their interest. While Landlords have a strong negotiation position that must be leveraged, Tenant’s also must have reasonable expectations to enjoy their investment. We help draft agreements that find the best balance for our clients.

Real Estate Financing

Many real estate projects rely on private debt or financing from a traditional bank. We help identify potential funding options and decide the best instrument to achieve your goals. Whether it is a joint venture, private equity, partnership or debt based project, we work to make sure the terms are reasonable and protect your business interests.

Our Real Estate Services


Fully understand your property purchase and get guidance from the due diligence process all the way to closing.


Grow your portfolio with confidence while buying, selling, leasing, financing, and building new projects.


Know your legal rights and responsibilities as Landlord or Tenant in commercial agreements.

Debt and Equity

Guidance to funding your business through equity sales, private debt and financial institutions.

Land Use

Establish and protect your property rights to achieve your property’s highest and best use.


Learn your rights when paying, filing and appealing your ad valorem real estate property taxes.

Our Story


Benjamin Ingold

Managing Partner



Wake Forest University
Political Science

University of North Carolina
School of Law

Bar Admissions

North Carolina & Georgia


Lauren Barnett

Managing Partner



University of Alabama
Finance and Economics

University of Alabama
School of Law

Bar Admissions


Mission and Vision

We started Barnett & Ingold PLLC to build, grow and protect the legacy of our clients. It is our primary goal and driving force. It takes a lifetime of hardworking, dedication and sacrifice to achieve success. Our duty is to assist in making your goals a reality every step of the way, and then to capture the legacy for the next generation.

Three Core Values

  1. Innovative Solutions Uncertain times require fast paced thinking. We are trained to understand your issues and represent your needs no matter what the circumstance. Big or small, we will help you find the best path forward with creative solutions and innovative problem solving.
  2. Consistent Communication We know your issues are a top priority for your business, and we will treat them with the same respect. This means our clients will receive open and consistent communication, as well as quick turnaround times on your projects.
  3. Honest Assessment Legal issues can be hard to understand, and we promise to provide honest feedback and straightforward communication. We will help break down problems, explain solutions and find the best way to achieve your goals.

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As lawyers, business counselors and business owners, we have a unique perspective and skill set to deal with fast paced and ever changing environments. Barnett & Ingold brings big firm experience with small firm attention.

We have learned the best legal relationships are personal, and we make it our goal to help you build, protect and grow your legacy. We pledge to provide you with direct access to partners, quick turnarounds on projects, and honest assessments with consistent communication.

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Why Us?

Access to the Partners
Speak to a partner everytime you need legal advice.

Quick Turnarounds
We make your project our priority.

Free Consultation
Don’t waste money, give us a call for free.

Ready to Get Started?

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We cannot represent you nor can we treat unsolicited information as confidential until we know that doing so will not create a conflict of interest. Accordingly, please DO NOT send information about any matter unless you have a written engagement letter from us stating that we represent you as a client.